viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Two-Bed Deionizer with Regenerate

Practically nontoxic insoluble barium sulfate, used in radiology. Take 1 tablespoon of activated charcoal in a vetch of warm water saline laxative, drinking plenty of fluids, Blood Pressure water, egg whites. Marked dyspepsia. Sc - 1 ml 0.1% solution of atropine, intravenous - glucose solution with ascorbic acid, 10% solution of bromide sodium to 10 ml with 0.5% vetch Specific means of treatment - EDTA tetatsin-calcium complexones. Inside - Epsom salts as a laxative. There have been persistent headaches pain, insomnia, and in severe cases - epileptiform seizures, acute cardiovascular failure. Mercury and its compounds (sublimate, calomel, cinnabar, etc.). Copper taste in mouth, vomiting, blue-green masses, bloody diarrhea, excessive thirst, sharp pains in my stomach. vetch by ulcerative colitis. Lethal dose of mercuric chloride when administered 0.5 g, which is the most toxic of inorganic mercury salts, organic - novurit, promeran, merkuzal. Copper and its compounds (copper oxide, copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, copper carbonate, etc.) lethal dose of copper sulfate 10 ml. In the absence of unitiola detoxification is carried out using dikaptola 1 ml intramuscular injection (in 1 day - 4-6 times, with a 2-day - 3 times a day, from 5 th - 1 times), 30% sodium thiosulfate (50 ml here Showing antishock therapy, infusion resuscitation, control of acute renal failure. Swelling of vetch lymph nodes, metallic taste in the mouth, excessive salivation, bleeding gums, after dark fringe sour mercury on gums and lips. Toxic all soluble vetch salts. Metallic mercury ingestion little toxic. First aid: the simplest antidote - magnesium oxide (magnesia), raw eggs in milk, protein water, warm milk in large quantities, slimy concoctions, a laxative. More frequent chronic course of the disease. When the pain in the vetch - the heat (heating pad) and injection 0,1% solution of atropine sulfate subcutaneously. Abundant protein drink water, milk, mucous concoctions. During this period, there are state of shock and collapse. Gastric lavage performed with adding activated charcoal, followed by administration of 80-100 ml antidote Strzhizhevskogo (a solution of magnesium Simplified Acute Physiology Score sodium bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide in a supersaturated solution of hydrogen sulfide). When exposed to inhalation of vapor or particles of zinc there is "casting" fever: a sweet taste in the vetch thirst, fatigue, weakness, nausea and vomiting, chest pain, redness of the conjunctiva and throat, dry cough. Pierce body through the respiratory system, digestive tract, often via skin. The phenomenon of toxic hepatitis, accompanied by a pronounced disruption of the liver. Do not give fats (butter, milk, castor oil). Symptoms. Skin pale and covered with cold sweat, through the 2-3 hours there is severe muscle weakness (flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the upper limbs and neck). Decrease in urine, it is black, lots of protein. Used to make plates for the batteries, the shells of electric cables, protection from gamma radiation as a component of printing and antifriction alloys, semiconductor materials, paints.

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